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Duncan Dance South
Dancing the Muses: Terpsichore
The Parthenon, Nashville, TN

Sunday, January 26th at 2pm- RSVP for FREE Admission

Centennial Park, Nashville, TN | @duncandancesouth


Early modern dance artists Isadora Duncan (1877-1927) and Florence Fleming Noyes (1871-1928) drew inspiration from Ancient Greek art, philosophy, myth—and especially from the muses. While these artists were inspired by the range of feeling and expressive quality of all nine muses, their choreographic work is inextricably linked to Terpsichore, the Muse of the Dance. Duncan developed her dance technique through her studies of the line and shape of the body in Ancient Greek art, and choreographed Bacchantes, the Three Graces, and dances dedicated to Apollo and Dionysus, among other Greek gods and mythic figures. For Noyes, each of the nine muses evoke a different quality or feeling, and Terpsichore “expresses joy of motion.” Inspired by Christy Lee Roger’s photographs exhibited as The Muses, this event features performances of original Duncan choreographies as well as a workshop exploring and developing movement from Duncan's iconic Waterstudy.

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Moment Musical

Composer: Franz Schubert

Dancer: Meg Brooker



Butterfly Etude

Composer: Frédéric Chopin

Dancer: Jess Steed



Classical Duet

Composer: Franz Schubert

Dancers: Kadie Cooper and Marah Bates




Composer: Franz Schubert

Dancer: Hayden Turitto



Three Graces

Composer: Franz Schubert

Dancers: Meg Brooker, Marah Bates, Kadie Cooper,

Louie Marin- Howard, Jess Steed, Hayden Turitto




Composer: Frédéric Chopin

Dancer: Louie Marin-Howard




Composer: Frédéric Chopin

Dancer: Meg Brooker




Composer: Franz Schubert

Dancers: Meg Brooker, Marah Bates, Kadie Cooper,

Louie Marin- Howard, Jess Steed, Hayden Turitto

All dances on this program are original Isadora Duncan choreographies, staged for The Parthenon by Meg Brooker. Meg Brooker holds an Advanced Certification in Isadora Duncan Dance, mentored by Lori Belilove, Isadora Duncan Dance Foundation.


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